Our Services

Pain Management

Ayurveda provides a unique approach for pain relief. It is based upon five primary elements (space, air, fire, water & earth). Out of these, two of the elements are then combined to form what are known as ‘doshas’. Space and air combined is vatadosha. Each person has three doshas, with one being most prominent. By evaluating each dosha, you are able to understand one’s health challenges. Then you can proceed to deal with the problem.
As per ayurveda, chronic pain is caused by doshic imbalances which gets triggered by many factors like diet, digestion, accumulation of toxins, stress, exercise levels and daily routine. Ayurveda explains that the origin of pain is due to vitiated Vata dosha, once vata dosha is treated efficiently, the pain subsides automatically.

Niramaya offers customized pain management programmes integrated with authentic kerala ayurvedic treatments(pancha karma therapies), specific diets and herbal remedies.

We offer treatments for different types of pains like

neck pain
chronic low back pain
musculoskeletal pain
bone-joint pain,sports injuries
rheumatoid arthritis
muscle cramps
frozen shoulder