Ayurveda ,the ancient science of healing has been practiced as far as 5000 years ago in India, especially in Kerala.
It is a medical science that emphasizes not just on symptomatic relief, but on identifying the cause of your disorder, isolating it, and making your body capable enough to fight the disorder with minimum drugs, wholesome diet and lifestyle modifications. This is what we offer you at Niramaya - Not just home remedies or some Hokum, but effective scientific intervention under the guidance of a competent Ayurvedic medical professional.
Information about Panchakarma is only for awareness and currently not provided in our clinic .Ayurveda, our ancient science, underlines that stress and strain ferociously harms our gastro-intestinal tract, resulting in inflammation and slow digestion, which leads to creating 'ama' and hence diseases and imbalances. Detoxifying and rejuvenating with Panchakarma enhances energy and mental clarity. By resetting digestion, Panchakarma therapy lets the body detox naturally. Due to its enormous potency and instantaneous effects that last longer, this method has been deemed incredibly effective in fighting off afflictions. Panchakarma is the true embodiment of Ayurvedic values and it lives up to its reputation. In essence, we at Niramaya, making use of our deep expertise in Panchakarma gives the body an intensive detoxification, while balancing the three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Niramaya aspires to nurture traditional ayurvedic practices in its purest form . At Niramaya we emphasize on good health and prevention & treatment of illness through authentic ayurvedic practices such as panchakarma therapies . These therapies will be integrated with dietary changes and the use of herbal remedies.